Work Woes
You'd think that a company pulling in billions of dollars each year would at least have a token class on sexual harassment...
You'd think that men with college educations and few years of experience under their belts would take a hint...
You'd think that married men who are devoted to their wives and children would not even think of asking girls out...
But no.
I thought the professional world was more civilized than this.
You poor girl. I'm still thinking of you. Call me if you ever want to talk. Also, my mom says to tell you that you need to print out all those emails and keep copies of them at your house. And that you should ask for a written response from HR as proof that you brought the matter to their attention, should you ever be accused of making it all up.
Ah, what can I even say. It's sad. However, the single ones can't be passed by just because the married ones are jerks. :)
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