Saturday, August 30, 2008

Film Crew Now Online!

Three of my favorite commedians are now on Hulu! Say hello the the Film Crew, a one-year project between Michael J Nelson, Kevin Murphy (also known as Tom Servo), and Bill Corbett (the Crow from MST3K, seasons 8-10). Their purpose here is much the same as MST - taking bad movies and making them freakin' hilarious.

Hollywood After Dark:
Rue MacLanahan of Golden Girls fame bares is all for this 1950s ode to depression and sleaze. Warning: this movie contains actual stripping - not for the young, faint of heart, or weak of stomach.

Giants of Marathon:
"Mr. Hercules" himself, Steve Reeves, flaunts his craft and his pecs in this sword-and-sandal epic. Athens is threatened by invasion from the Persians, and only the well-muscled Phillipedes can flex, pose, and bench-press all the way to victory.

Wild Women of Wongo:
A Neanderthal sex-comedy filmed on location at Cypress Gardens, Florida. The beautiful females of the Wongo tribe think themselves doomed to mate with their ugly tribe-mates, until a well-groomed (and waxed) male from the Goona tribe visits and presents an alternative.

By the way, you can go to to view all of these shows in full-screen. You know, in case you don't want to spend an hour and a half with your nose half an inch from your computer screen.

Update: Okay, it looks like the posted screens throw my text-box parameters completely out of whack. So, instead of watching the little screens on this blog, just go to Hulu, search for "Film Crew", and you'll be able to find the three movies with ease. Please, please check them out sometime if you are in need of a laugh.


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