
I'm going subsurface this week. We're in the throes of Oktoberfest over here - I'm surrounded by men in leather overalls and funny hats, screaming machinery, and a boatload of onions and beets. CEO Anton is having a blast - the picture seared into my mind from yesterday is him during lunch, holding full pitchers of dark ale, having the time of his life filling the cups of customers and telling jokes.
The tour guides I'm in charge of are a sweet, funny bunch of absolutely beautiful women (one of them got an offer yesterday to be on the show "America's Next Top Model"). They're doing well with the tours, and seem to be managing themselves just fine, which gives me a few extra minutes to sit at my computer and tackle my ever-growing mound of paperwork.
And write a quick blog post, of course. I'll resurface sometime next week. Wish me luck! Tally ho!
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